

Foods that should be eaten raw


Eating some foods raw provides extra nutrition and has additional health benefits. If you wash them well, there is no risk of bacterial damage. Here is a list of foods that should be eaten raw.


Broccoli: Broccoli looks like cauliflower, but its color is green. Broccoli contains high levels of sulforaphane. This antioxidant ingredient prevents cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, depression and other health problems. According to a research report published in the Journal of Agriculture, Food and Chemistry, eating broccoli raw instead of cooking can make our bodies absorb sulforaphane more quickly. Another study found that cooking vegetables like broccoli in different ways reduced vitamin C levels. If you can't even think of eating raw broccoli, you can eat it by steaming. Steaming has less effect on nutrition than other cooking methods.

Onion: Onion has a lot of health benefits, especially it has anti-cancer properties. The food contains high concentrations of quercetin, which can prevent the spread of cancer. Ashley Walter, founder and nutritionist at Living with Ashley, said, ‘Eating raw onions has the highest anti-cancer properties. Onion is also a vegetable of the allium family, which means it contains antiplatelet agents - it prevents heart and blood vessel diseases. Studies published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry have shown that when onions are heated in an oven, these heart-friendly ingredients are depleted within 30 minutes.


Garlic: It is true that eating raw garlic causes bad breath, but if you know its health benefits, you will always want to eat raw garlic. Like onions, garlic also contains antiplatelet agents that protect the heart and blood vessels, but it also loses its effectiveness when heated. According to research published in the Journal of Food Process Engineering in 2019, when cooking garlic, the enzyme enzyme is inactivated. Boiling garlic for 20 minutes reduces the anti-bacterial activity and microwave for one minute destroys the cancer-destroying ability 100 percent.


Blueberries: Blueberries are good for health. It contains high levels of a powerful antioxidant called flavonoids. You will get all the benefits of playing blueberries raw. According to a research report published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, processing blueberries through baking, cooking or proofing reduces the levels of flavonoids and polyphenols. Polyphenols help control blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent blood clots, protect against cancer, increase digestion, and improve brain function.


Red Capsicum: Red capsicum is one of the foods that strengthens the immune system and increases the body's ability to fight infections. Red capsicum is rich in vitamin C. It will get about three times the vitamin C of an orange. But if you cook it too, vitamin C is lost. According to research published in the journal Antioxidants, red capsicum contains more antioxidants than other capsicums. This protects the vegetable cells from oxidative damage

Achieved super power. Oxidative damage to cells further increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other diseases.


Beets: You may be surprised at the suggestion of eating beets raw. But if you can eat the vegetable raw, you can get more benefits. Beets are rich in healthy nutrients, such as the five essential vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and protein. It also contains high levels of fiber and folate. Rebecca Park, founder of Remedies for Me, says that cooking beets reduces folate and other vitamins / minerals by 25 percent. You can eat beets with salads to get maximum nutrition.

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