

Foods to eat to relieve constipation


The most common cause of constipation is a lack of fiber or water in the diet. Constipation can sometimes be caused by obstruction of the large intestine. If constipation is a common cause, the problem can be overcome by making some changes in lifestyle. So there is no need to rush to the drug store for laxatives in the first place. Here are the foods that should be eaten to relieve constipation, but if it does not work, seek medical attention.


Fruits, vegetables, bean sprouts and whole grains: If you suffer from constipation, you can include more fruits, vegetables, bean sprouts and whole grains in your diet to see if you are relieved. These foods contain a lot of fiber, which serves as the key to the removal of digestive wastes. During the passage of fiber in the colon, fluid is absorbed and piles of waste are formed and the stool remains soft. This makes defecation easier. Vegetable and fruit peels, stalks and leaves are high in fiber. So don't throw away apple peel and broccoli stalks. Dense green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli can do a double job, as they contain a lot of fiber as well as magnesium. Magnesium also contributes to the elimination of constipation. 


Prunes: Prunes act as a mild laxative. It stimulates the muscles to pass waste through the colon. Five prunes contain about 3 grams of fiber. Prune juice is equally effective in relieving constipation. According to researchers, constipation is relieved by the combined action of prunes fiber and sorbitol (a type of sugar alcohol).


Coffee and other hot drinks: If you suffer from constipation, you can try drinking coffee. Health experts said that it works well. One of the reasons for this is that hot drinks speed up the movement of waste. As well as other hot drinks can also be helpful in constipation. But the role of coffee in relieving constipation is a little more than other hot drinks, as it stimulates the intestinal muscles to contract. But this may not be a long-term solution, as drinking coffee increases the rate of urination.


Water: Not only should you eat fiber rich food, you should also take enough water. Water is also needed to complete the magical work of fiber to eliminate constipation. When we do not drink enough water, our body absorbs water from the waste, which makes the stool hard and cannot come out. If you are not interested in drinking plain water, you can mix fruit juice with it and make it delicious. For example, you can mix strawberry, pear, watermelon and lemon juice in plain water.


Flaxseed and Isabgul bran: Flaxseed and Isabgul bran helps in relieving constipation. Drink one mug (250 ml) of hot milk mixed with one teaspoon of flaxseed powder before going to bed. In the morning you can sprinkle 2 tablespoons of flaxseed powder in cereal or fruit smoothie. You can also mix isabgul bran in a mug of water before going to bed at night. Regular consumption of these husks will prevent constipation caused by common causes.


European-style salad: Many people in Europe eat salad after meals. Basically, to avoid constipation, a salad rich in fiber is eaten after meals. This salad helps in the passage of other food wastes in the digestive tract. Eating fruit one hour before or after meals can also be beneficial.


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